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Posts Tagged "COVID-19"

Be Smart – Wash Your Hands!

Be Smart – Wash Your Hands!

By on Sep 23, 2020 in Blog |

So, yeah, we’ve been lax in posting, but because stupidity has increased exponentially during the ongoing COVID-19 scare, we feel we can no longer keep quiet. We’re not here to take sides on politics, we just want people to use common sense and do the smart thing to protect themselves and others. THE ABSOLUTE SMARTEST thing people can do during a pandemic is practice proper personal hygiene. That means WASH YOUR HANDS! But the sad truth is many people either do not know how to properly wash their hands, or they are simply too lazy to do so. It’s really not that hard; nor does it take that much time. Here’s a step by step guide endorsed by the CDC and WHO (and by the way, hand washing is about the only thing that haven’t flip-flopped on regarding COVID): Laziness has led people to rely heavily on hand sanitizers, but in case you haven’t heard, there is an ever growing list of hand sanitizers being recalled by the FDA due to toxicity. (Don’t believe us? Check it out for yourself on the FDA website: You should only use hand sanitizers or wipes if you physically cannot wash your hands (no access to soap and water). And you should not handle food or touch your mouth, eyes, nose, etc. after using hand sanitizer. Also, note that not only are some sanitizers poisonous, many hand sanitizers are not effective against all bacteria or viruses. Your best bet is always to wash away anything on your skin and let all those nasty germs and bacteria, etc. go right down the drain. In closing, we wish everyone good health and clean hands!...

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