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Posts Tagged "funny"

Ridiculous Warning Labels

Ridiculous Warning Labels

By on Nov 15, 2013 in Blog |

Another alarming trend we’ve noticed is that as people’s mental capacity declines, they will do things that in the past they would have never even considered – and then try to sue to receive money for their bad judgment. Companies have found themselves in the difficult position of having to anticipate all of the absurd possibilities for misuse of their products and include an endless array of warnings (that intelligent, thinking people find to be ridiculously obvious and often quite humorous) to protect themselves from litigation. Seriously, why must any person with half a brain have to be warned that coffee is hot, that sleep aids cause drowsiness, that fireworks are flammable, that power tools should not be used while sleeping, etc., etc.?? It’s maddening! Maybe instead of specific warning labels that try to cover every contingency, there should just be a universal label warning against use by stupid people period. It would save on printing costs and legal fees. Everyone could just use the same label. The Center for America  sponsors an annual Wacky Warning Label Contest to draw attention to the growing problem. They believe (and we agree) that American innovation and jobs are threatened by abusive litigation. It has most definitely gotten out of hand. Check out the finalists in the 2013 Wacky Warning Label Contest to see just how nonsensical these labels can be! Here’s an article from Women’s Day magazine that includes some more examples of warning label overkill: And here’s an entire web site dedicated to “dumb” warning labels: What are some of the most ridiculous warning labels you’ve encountered? Share with us by submitting a comment....

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